Tuesday, 25 December 2007

Christmas in London

Merry Christmas from the UK! As they say in the South, I "just about fell out" when I opened a present from my daughter and son-in-law that contained a digital camera! Just in time for my new-found obsession-blogging! I immediately began snapping shots like a kid in a candy shop. This morning was so wonderful, with Janice, Rachel, Michal, Noah, and Chloe Grace. Again, today was a lifetime memory in the making (I seem to have them a lot when I am over here). The joy of seeing my daughter celebrating Christmas with her family is too deep to put into words, so I won't try. What I will do is maybe let some photos speak for me....

Noah plays with his brand new camera!

Ama enjoys a laugh with Chloe Grace as we celebrate Christmas!

Michal tries to show off in his new bathrobe.....(ask no questions, and we will tell you no lies)

My best boy plays with his new race track!


laurahill said...

This is fabulous!
So glad you had a great time together...
what wonderful memories to cherish:)
Love you all ~ laura

Crystal's Elite Dance Studio said...

very nice! thats so awesome dad! the only thing is that picture of michal is scary!!


Sarah in the Middle said...

Welcome to blogging, Mr. Sumner! It's nice to get a little update on you and your wife. I'm glad you had a nice UK Christmas!
I'll be back to visit :)