Tonight, my daughter and son-in-law brought Braydon & Makenna over for supper. Braydon & I managed to play several rounds of SuperHeroes (a variation on the many sub-plots of THE INCREDIBLES), policeman catching the criminals, we watched "Jesus movies" (a slide show of Bible stories displayed on a kiddie projector), Cars stickers, and we also pretended to talk to several people on Braydon's "cell" phone, including his girlfriend Macy (whom he informed me tonight that he would marry, but I couldn't go until I get an "inbitation"). After reading the story where Jesus gets criticized by the Pharisees, Braydon started to pretend he was a Pharisee himself. Here is a picture of Pharisee Braydon (it's not my fault it came out looking like a wannabe rappa pose!)

Of course, between adventures with Braydon, I snapped several shots of Makenna. Check out her response to the incessant flash of my camera:

We had a very nice evening, visiting with Christy & Kenney and the kids! And another reason I had fun Friday is because today was the last day of the first semseter at my school and I know that I will NEVER have to deal with the students I had first semester EVER AGAIN!! I'm free, I'm free!
we had a great time last night and today too! Thanks for making us go to the thing today, we really benefited from it, even though it was a pain in the butt to get us all there in one piece!! thanks again for dinner & lunch!
but was it forced friday fun??
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