Thursday 17 April 2008

I'm Back.....

I know it has been quite a while since I have added a new post. As most of you know, my time and attention has been focused on helping my wife deal with her major surgery and possible cancer diagnosis, which wonderfully is NOT the case. She is on the slow road to recovery, but at least she is on the right road!

Some other cheers and a few jeers to share:

:) I recently began a texting frenzy with a good friend of mine from Canandaigua, New York, who has the same distorted sense of humor that I have. We have shared some bizarre and twisted texts, the contents of which are best kept to myself. This has been fun!

:) I am currently working on creating the scenery for a production of THE PAJAMA GAME at a theater in Virginia where my brother Joe is currently acting. It has been a lot of fun to meet new people and to work on something that makes me soooo happy!

:( I had to reluctantly write a check to Uncle Sam for my 2008 taxes- grrrrrrr that so much of my hard-earned money is stolen from me and freely given to support the same people who abuse me in my classes and who make my life miserable. This stinks!

:) I am SO THANKFUL for my daughter Christy's faithful care of my wife during her illness, surgery, and recovery. My son-in-law has been very supportive, as well!

:) I have enjoyed spending time with my grandchildren Braydon and Makenna here in Rocky Mount, and spending time via the wonders of the web cam with my grandchildren Noah and Chloe in the UK (and of course, their wonderful mother, Rachel!) Good times with grandkids!

:) My niece Aprille and her husband Alex, who took time out of their lives to feed me lasagna (YUMMY!) and to bring a beautiful plant to the hospital while we were up in Chapel Hill. They are a precious and giving couple who make the world a better place!

:) The incredible and generous friends from our church, who have showed tremendous love and kindness to us during Janice's illness.

:) Our gracious neighbors, who have also showed great kindness to us during Janice's recovery!

:( The price of gas...GRRRRRRRRRRRR!

:) My weekly dose of the reality shows I indulge myself with: American Idol, Top Model, Top Chef. Ah, the joys of self-indulging!

:) My sister Laura, who drove 1 1/2 hours last weekend to come and stay with Janice last weekend so that I could keep my commitment to the theater in Virginia. Laura served us both like we were royalty. I am humbled to know someone like her. Her husband, Jim, graciously allowed her to leave him for the weekend to come to us to help. Wow!

:) The joy of blogging!

Hopefully I will be better at posting on a more regular basis. Talk to you soon!


Rachel said...

Okay, so the very IDEA of you TEXTING makes me laugh!! Last time I knew, you didn't even understand how to read a text in your inbox! Times sure have changed since I've been in NC! Who is it you're texting?

Crystal's Elite Dance Studio said...

I know who you're texting! It's Nora Lee isn't it?!? "Something must be done AND soon!"

I love cheers & jeers! That used to be one of my fave parts of the Daily Messenger! Def. grrr that you had to pay taxes!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Your blogs make my day, kenny!
certainly it was my JOY to be with Janice
and you last weekend.
you make it sound like
it was so difficult... NOT!
I so enjoy being with you both
and was actually very glad that I could spend some time just with janice.
it was very relaxing and we had a good talk.
love you both and am very sorry about the tax situation.UGH.

Ken said...

Rachel, I am texting Tommy Short.
Christy, I think it might be fun to text Noralee- no telling WHAT she would write!

Melanie said...

I'm glad she is getting better! I was going to come see you all in the hospital but mom told me that you didn't want visitors- but I was thinking about you both, just a few hundred yards away!