It's Wednesday, so I here I am. Nothing earth-shattering to report. No keen insights or words of wisdom to dispense to the masses. Just checking in with the blog community to let everyone know I'm still standing. I am furious over the thought that the economic meltdown on Wall Street is the cause of corporate greed. I am saddened that the political commercials are getting so ugly. I am still very thankful for my new school. I am frustrated that I can't spend more time with my grandchildren. I am pleased with the cool fall air that is coming. I am
curious (and just a little worried) about the outcome of the upcoming election. I am relieved that my daughter Rachel, her husband Michal, and my grandchildren Noah and Chloe were spared from an auto accident yesterday.
So that's my life. In so many words.
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
The British Are Coming! The British Are Coming!
Well, sort of. Michal is finally coming home from his extensive diving training and will be looking for jobs from the States. Noah has gone BERSERK in a good way in anticipation of seeing his father again. In fact, as we were having "tent time" last night, Noah looked up at me and said, "Papa, you look just like Daddy." For those of you who know what we both look like, you know there is no truth to this statement physically (you know, like Michal has hair, I don't). I think what Noah was trying to say to me is that I remind him of his father or that I am filling that need in his life. Either way, I think that this was a powerful statement for a three-year old to make. Or maybe he is so excited about seeing Michal that any male near him would "look like" his father, just because he is focused on seeing him again. It will be wonderful to see those two united again. Not to mention how great it will be for Rachel. And Chloe.
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
Out With the Old....

I want to brag some more about my new school- Sanderson High School.
Last night we had an Open House. I was amazed at the number of parents who came and was even more amazed at how invested these parents are in their children's lives! Our school has a very dedicated school community that celebrates, encourages, supports, shows up for, funds, and inspires their students.
Where does this comraderie originate? I have a feeling that it comes from the top. By the top, I am naturally referring to the leadership in our school. The principal at my new school is a true leader. She is not afraid to make tough decisions, but does so equitably. She is not afraid to confront, but does so approrpiately. She is willing to help, to listen, to guide. Every parent I have spoken to about her speaks her name with respect and kindness. So does the faculty, a RARITY in high schools, believe me. So I get to teach in a learning environment that not only fosters and allows learning, but requires learning. There is no question in the students' minds as to what they need to be about at school. I find myself inspired to reach newer heights of teaching excellence there.
I want to be part of the spirit of excellence that pervades my school.
Happy New Year to me!
Saturday, 6 September 2008
Batten Down The Hatches
Since Hurricane Hannah decided to visit our great state, the entire family (except Michal, who is Aberdeen, Scotland) is here to ride the storm through together. We had a giant sleep over last night. My grandsons were ecstatic to spend time together. Once I got home, they happily invited me to join them in their games of pirates and Star Wars adventures, screaming with delight as we played together on my bed in our makeshift tents, proudly and loudly proclaiming "Only boys- no girls allowed!" Amazingly, we got them calmed down long enough to feed them, bathe them, and put them to sleep. I got to spend time with my beautiful granddaughters, whose smiles still melt me every time I look at them! We then settled in for a game of dueling laptops (Rachel vs. Christy vs. Kenney- I don't know who won) and our favorite Friday night TV shows, "Monk" and "Psyche". All in all, we had a very pleasant evening together. This morning, we'll have breakfast in several shifts and surely continue the pirates/Star War marathon.
I wouldn't have it any other way.....
I wouldn't have it any other way.....
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Happy 30th to Us!
Happy 30th Annivesary to a wonderful person who has made everything good in my life possible.
Happy 30th Anniversary to a wonderful person who knows more about love than anyone else I have ever known in my life.
Happy 30th Annivesary to a wonderful person who has made my life so complete.
We have traveled to Florida, Georgia, North & South Carolina, Virginia, Washington, DC, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Canada, London, Barcelona, Spain, and Salzburg, Austria together.
We have faced destruction, loss, grief, poverty, and shock together,
We have raised and married off two wonderful children together.
We have welcomed four precious grandchildren into this world together.
We are together.
Happy 30th Anniversary, Janice!
All my love to you forever,
Happy 30th Anniversary to a wonderful person who knows more about love than anyone else I have ever known in my life.
Happy 30th Annivesary to a wonderful person who has made my life so complete.
We have traveled to Florida, Georgia, North & South Carolina, Virginia, Washington, DC, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Canada, London, Barcelona, Spain, and Salzburg, Austria together.
We have faced destruction, loss, grief, poverty, and shock together,
We have raised and married off two wonderful children together.
We have welcomed four precious grandchildren into this world together.
We are together.
Happy 30th Anniversary, Janice!
All my love to you forever,
I am Proud to be an American!

I am actively listening to the latest media blitz about Sarah Palin, the Republican nominee for Vice -President. The liberal media is buzzing and swarming around her, trying to sling as much mud as they can about her unwed, 17 year-old teenage daughter who is expecting a child. They are attempting to disgrace Sarah Palin by focusing on her daughter's personal choices.
Let's look at the choices that the Palin family has made recently.
First, both Sarah and her husband chose to deliver and raise their latest child, who was diagnosed as having Down Syndrome while she was pregnant. Sarah Palin chose life, even when doing so would clearly cause her family hardship.
Next, the Palin family chose life again when they embraced their daughter and her unborn child. Again, they are living out what Governor Palin has said repeatedly that she believes.
I don't see anything worth slinging mud over. In fact, I see much to honor. Having walked where she walks as a parent, I clearly know what she, her husband, her daughter, and other siblings are choosing. And I know the pain that is involved in such a process. I also know the utter joy that comes from grandchildren.
Sarah has chosen well. I am proud.
Her daughter has chosen well. I am proud.
I am proud to be an American in a time when a woman as honorable as Sarah Palin can seriously seek one of the highest offices in the land.
I am proud to be an American in a time when some of those seeking these lofty offices honor the sanctity of human life.
I am proud to be an American.
Monday, 1 September 2008
I Have Returned!
I am embarrassed.
I have not blogged since...gulp...July 15.
So here goes an honest attempt to get back into Blogland.
If I am allowed....
In my defense, I have been crazy busy in August. I changed scool districts. For those of you who are teachers, enough said. You know exactly how exhausting and time-consuming that is! I got a wonderful opportunity to teach in the best school district in my state, so I jumped on the chance. My new school has a great auditorium (a treat for Theater teachers), and a Booster Club that raises $, runs concessions at shows, handles tickets, and makes my life a dream come true! I have very eager students who are really into Theater. I have principals who actually care about rules and take care of business! Pinch I dreaming???? No wait- I AM awake! I also have tremendous technical resources available to me.
I am smiling a LOT these days....
And I teach at a school that actually has a football team that wins games.
(And I'm not just just talking about forfeits, either).
So what that I have a long commute. We will be moving closer to my new school this coming summer, so I can hold on for now. I bought a new car that's great on gas and has XM satelittle radio, so I am all set. I can listen to Fox news, Broadway show tunes, stand-up comedy, Big Band, 70s hits...the list goes on.
Good times!
I hope to hear from others who will forgive my looooong blog absence.
I hope to talk to you tomorrow, as well.
I have not blogged since...gulp...July 15.
So here goes an honest attempt to get back into Blogland.
If I am allowed....
In my defense, I have been crazy busy in August. I changed scool districts. For those of you who are teachers, enough said. You know exactly how exhausting and time-consuming that is! I got a wonderful opportunity to teach in the best school district in my state, so I jumped on the chance. My new school has a great auditorium (a treat for Theater teachers), and a Booster Club that raises $, runs concessions at shows, handles tickets, and makes my life a dream come true! I have very eager students who are really into Theater. I have principals who actually care about rules and take care of business! Pinch I dreaming???? No wait- I AM awake! I also have tremendous technical resources available to me.
I am smiling a LOT these days....
And I teach at a school that actually has a football team that wins games.
(And I'm not just just talking about forfeits, either).
So what that I have a long commute. We will be moving closer to my new school this coming summer, so I can hold on for now. I bought a new car that's great on gas and has XM satelittle radio, so I am all set. I can listen to Fox news, Broadway show tunes, stand-up comedy, Big Band, 70s hits...the list goes on.
Good times!
I hope to hear from others who will forgive my looooong blog absence.
I hope to talk to you tomorrow, as well.
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