Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Wordy Wednesday

It's Wednesday, so I here I am. Nothing earth-shattering to report. No keen insights or words of wisdom to dispense to the masses. Just checking in with the blog community to let everyone know I'm still standing. I am furious over the thought that the economic meltdown on Wall Street is the cause of corporate greed. I am saddened that the political commercials are getting so ugly. I am still very thankful for my new school. I am frustrated that I can't spend more time with my grandchildren. I am pleased with the cool fall air that is coming. I am
curious (and just a little worried) about the outcome of the upcoming election. I am relieved that my daughter Rachel, her husband Michal, and my grandchildren Noah and Chloe were spared from an auto accident yesterday.
So that's my life. In so many words.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I share your sadness in the disgusting levels of the recent campaign ads. How do they teach their children about lying and being polite to other people when they can't do it themselves? That's what I keep thinking about.