I am actively listening to the latest media blitz about Sarah Palin, the Republican nominee for Vice -President. The liberal media is buzzing and swarming around her, trying to sling as much mud as they can about her unwed, 17 year-old teenage daughter who is expecting a child. They are attempting to disgrace Sarah Palin by focusing on her daughter's personal choices.
Let's look at the choices that the Palin family has made recently.
First, both Sarah and her husband chose to deliver and raise their latest child, who was diagnosed as having Down Syndrome while she was pregnant. Sarah Palin chose life, even when doing so would clearly cause her family hardship.
Next, the Palin family chose life again when they embraced their daughter and her unborn child. Again, they are living out what Governor Palin has said repeatedly that she believes.
I don't see anything worth slinging mud over. In fact, I see much to honor. Having walked where she walks as a parent, I clearly know what she, her husband, her daughter, and other siblings are choosing. And I know the pain that is involved in such a process. I also know the utter joy that comes from grandchildren.
Sarah has chosen well. I am proud.
Her daughter has chosen well. I am proud.
I am proud to be an American in a time when a woman as honorable as Sarah Palin can seriously seek one of the highest offices in the land.
I am proud to be an American in a time when some of those seeking these lofty offices honor the sanctity of human life.
I am proud to be an American.
1 comment:
Well, I personally don't like the fact that she backs big oil, and some other things about her...That being said, I think that it is just disgraceful that they are attacking her daughter. As you said, they could have easily "gotten rid" of the situation, but instead chose to embrace her.
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