Sunday, 20 January 2008

Back Off!

I feel the need to electronically confess something that my wife, my daughters and their husbands know all too well: I meddle. Whether I guise it in what I think are discreet, gentle inquiries or just knock them over the head with blunt interference, meddling is meddling. My ego, springing only from the fact that I have lived longer than my grown children, falsely validates my "right" to "guide" them with my vast wisdom. Oops. After being rebuked for this over 15,000 times in the past six months (did I also mention that I struggle with hyperbole?), I am finally getting the message from God to SHUT UP and BACK OFF. Rachel, Michal, Christy, and Kenney: please forgive me. My intentions have always been honorable, but that is little to no consolation to you or excuse for me to intervene in your independence. God doesn't require my assistance to watch over you, and I am sure somehow you manage to get through your days without me there. I am painfully slow at times to learn lessons others never need learn. I think God must have an IEP for me in Heaven. For those unfamiliar with educational lingo, an IEP is an individualized education plan for students with learning issues. Filled with remorse and more than a little embarrassment, I will crawl off to my own little corner, lick some ego wounds, facing my learning issue and hopefully delete my meddling instinct and increase my prayer time for my family.


Rachel said...

haha... what happened??!

Anonymous said...

My ego happened. And consequences followed. Again.

Crystal's Elite Dance Studio said...

We love you dad!! =)

Aprille - The Muddled said...

I wonder how I will be with this. I have to say my mom is a great example in this for me. She is totally hands off - I know you can figure it out. I love that I can go to her and just talk without her inserting her own how-toos. I am sure there have been many times she just wanted to hit me over the head with something to knock some sense into me. I find myself already trying to micromanage Ella more than she needs. I hope I can empower my kids to be confidant that they can make their own decisions, as well as mistakes, and I will be there for them along the way when they want me.

They know you love them. You have done your job because they are great girls.

Anonymous said...

Ah, dear brother, you are not the only Sumner with this particular "bent" or often have my own given a firm rebuke
at the unsolicited "advice"
that I had to offer, only to see the grief or sadness that followed. NEVER to hurt, but alas, to "help"... yeah.
I feel your pain. I know
that there is gain on the other side of this very important lesson for us..:)
don't worry, kenny.
We'll get GRACE!

Rachel said...

Oh, Dad. Solicited or not, I always deeply appreciate and listen to your advice. But, I'm no longer the only one making my choices now! I know you're much wiser (ah hem grey hair!) and hope you never stop offering your opinions.

Melanie said...

I was going to say, I think your sister also "suffers" from this affliction...hehehe...but I'm sure that all your children know (as hers do) that you mean it with only the best in your heart!