Sunday, 6 January 2008

Every Family Needs a Jim and Laura

Today, I would like to brag about two very special people who have been instrumental in my life and the life of my family: my sister, Laura, and her husband, Jim. This couple has been an integral part of almost every significant family event in my own family since we got married. They have sown amazing amounts of love into my family for almost three decades now: we lived with them for a brief spell in the 1980s, they have showered us all with their presence and too many gifts to even begin to recall at birthdays, anniversaries, births, family reunions, get-togethers, church events, etc. They have been emotional and spiritual rocks for us when we walked through dark, dismal valleys. They have welcomed our grandchildren's arrival into this world with tears in their own eyes. They have fasted, prayed, supported, given, shared burdens, treated us to extravagant meals, laughed, cried, prayed, laughed, whispered, shouted, and lived their life before as genuine, authentic believers in Jesus. They have become such dear friends to us; there are no words to adequately describe the bond between our families. THANK YOU, LORD, FOR JIM AND LAURA. You are so good to have allowed them to be in our lives!

I end this blog with verses from the Bible that describe them. When I think of Jim, I think of Psalm 1:3- "He shall be like a tree, planted by the rivers of water,that brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper." Jim is a like a strong, oak tree of compassion, friendship, and strength. Laura to me is a shining example of the Virtuous Woman described in Proverbs 31: 28. "Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her: 29 Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all. 30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised." Thank you, Jim and Laura, for your example, your love and your friendship. You two have made such a difference in our lives....

And, by the way, Happy Birthday, Jim!


Crystal's Elite Dance Studio said...

I love you Aunt Laura & Uncle Jim!! =)

Anonymous said...

These words are some of the Kindest
we have ever heard...Thank you
sincerely for this tribute, Kenny!
We have grown and learned so much
from you all, loving and laughing more because you have
added so much along the way!
(Screaming as necessary ~ lol )
We love you all
and are ever grateful
for the privilege
of being a part of your family.
Ok, you made me cry!
love you, Jim and Laura

Melanie said...

I agree that they are both pretty special people.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.