Tuesday 8 January 2008


My wife and I are attending a two-week seminar at church sponsored by a group called Life Action. The focus of this seminar is on brokenness and revival. Part of the experience of the seminar is completing a very painful and brutal private inventory about the sinfulness in your life. As I left church for the past two nights, I left with a very uncomfortable and nagging sense of just what a loser I still am. And that hurts! I don't want to think about the cumulative reality of my sin. I want to keep things on a very even, comfortable plane so that I can ease on down the road of life.
We are all in desperate need of the Savior. I am on the top of THAT list....


Anonymous said...

I am "ouching" with you...
believe me!
HIS Words speak loud and clear,
but He never condemns us.
I so love this about Him!

Aprille - The Muddled said...

I am always amazed at the amount of sin I have accumulated that comes whacking me in the head on a more regular basis than I am comfortable with. Sigh. And I am 27.

I like the new look. I look forward to more. Love you!